Figuring Out DID..a Start..

Do you know who is in your system and why? Some call this Mapping.
Can you communicate with your alters as learning about them and openning tbe door to them can help with no texting outside of a safe list of people.
I use a wipeboard for questions or trying to establish boundaries. I also text myself on my phone. Notes.
There is lots of information that can help you get your system to be more cohesive.

Find others who understand
@DiscussingDID @TheWeInMe @AFR365 @hashtagDIDchat @ivorygarden etc. 
Support is key.
There are online chats on facebook and twitter. As well as support groups like
Connect and learn from each other is very helpful.
They also hold a conference in Atlanta every year. Well worth joining.

I suggest writing if you can and see if your system is in disharmony for a reason or reasons. They know you. You need to know them.


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