Disassociation Quiz (lovecreatesmc)


DID Quiz

1. The body experienced trauma before the age of 7.

2. I feel like I have witnessed another part of myself being abused.

3. I startle easily.

4. I have or do harm the body.

5. As a small child, I enjoyed playing tricks by hiding inside my own body.

6. I don’t recall much of my childhood before the age of 12 years old.

7. I have had 'out of body experiences' or felt like I have 're-entered' body

8. There is more than one personality that shares my body.

9. Sometimes, I feel out of control when I’m talking.

10. I watch the body ‘do things’, as if 'I' am not controlling it or miss time

11. I have experienced child abuse.

12. I am in an abusive relationship now.

13. I often feel two contradictory feelings at the same time.

14. Much of the time, I feel detached from other people, places or time.

15. I sometimes find myself in unfamiliar places, unsure how I got there.

16. I have skills that I don’t recall learning.

17. I lose track of time when I become engrossed in a task.

18. I don’t always remember the names of my immediate family members.

19. I own articles of clothes or shoes that I have no memory of buying.

20. I have many different styles of clothing in my closet.

21. I sometimes hear voices in my head who talk to me - telling me what to do.

22. In the past, I have lost up to years of time - with no memory of what happened.

23. I have nightmares where I feel like someone else.

24. I have/do experience vivid flashbacks where I feel as if I am 'back' in time re-experiencing a past event.

25. I have/do experience pain as if it is far away and 'unreal.

26. When I become overwhelmed, I sometimes feel as if I am a small child.

27. When I listen to people talk, I find that I sometimes ‘miss’ part of they are saying.

28. During the course of a day, I sometimes realize that I don't recall the early morning hours of the day.

29. I have run into people who knew my name and seemed to know me, but who I had no memory of meeting before.

30. I have felt like a I have seen myself as if I were looking at another person.

31. I have been accused of lying when I know I was telling the truth.

32. I have remembered events so vividly that it felt as if I were reliving the experience.

33. I sometimes wonder if things really happened or if I imagined they happened.

34. I sometimes feel strangely familiar in unfamiliar places - as if I have been there before.

35. I sometimes become so absorbed in watching television, reading a book, or working on computer that I become unaware of other events happening around me.

36. I sometimes believe I completed a task when actually I hadn't, but had just ‘thought’ I completed it.

37. I have become so engrossed in imaginary daydreams that it feels as though I am really there.

38. I am positive that I am a real person!

39. I have suffered from depression or anxiety or both

40. I have memories of abuse as a child, but I sometimes don't believe they happened

41. I am the same chronological age as the body all of the time

42. I am easily distracted.

43. I have attempted or thought about suicide at least twice in my life.

44. I remember all of my favorite old cartoons and play toys

45. I remember most of my favorite elementary and high-school teachers’ names.

46. My body ‘feels’ as if it belongs to someone else.

47. I have parts of me that are my body with other parts of myself

48. Sometimes, I ‘listen’ to myself as if I am talking from far away, though others mention I am talking louder than normal. Or I whisper to myself, sing or mumble seemingly in ther world.

49. I sleepwalk.

50. I over-do things in compulsion

51. As a child, I had imaginary friends.

52. When I feel angry, I want to hurt others or feel nothing at all

53. I feel like I have different parts of myself – who play out different roles in my life - often without me remembering.

54. It feels to me as if the body is not ‘real’.

55. I often 'hear’ talking, singing, voices, noise  etc. coming from inside my head

56. I feel far away from the outside world – as if I am looking at it through a fog.

57. When I look into the mirror, my image seems 'distorted'

The quiz is scored by totaling certain true responses to a set of chosen question that positively correlate to known symptoms of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) based on extensive research. In other words, any 'true' or 'yes" answer that is scored qualifies as a 'known' symptom of DID and is scored based on severity of symptoms. The total scores that a person could get range between 0 and 156.

If you scored above '50' points, it is very possible that you have already been diagnosed and are being treated for DID.

If not, you may want to seek out mental health professionals for evaluation or assessment. The higher the score, the more likely a diagnosis of a Dissociative Identity Disorder.

Side Note:

Interestingly, we created this quiz as a way to give each 'part' of ourself a place to answer questions in their own way. We had found that so many assessments were set up so that there was constant argument inside as to how to answer. When we began designing the quiz, we realized that when the questions were worded in a way that the arguments stopped and there was agreement, those certain questions also seemed to validate much basic DID research.

You may also notice that some of the questions are worded so that if you were asked in past tense, you would have answered 'true' - meaning that your score has gone down as you have moved forward in healing - another possible discussion topic.

Again, thank you for your participation.

Modified for blog. Not a yrue diagnosis tool. But is authentic.😊



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