Early Alters

After we had left dad life was confusing for this 4 year old.  As I  spent time with dad on weekends his deteriorating mindset was thrust on me. My 9 year old brother was going too. Those trips are blank in many places for me. I  went almost every weekend until I was 13. It was damaging time in so many ways.
1975 is the period "Wee" is stuck in. She came during an episode of sexual abuse. Much later in life I got the flashbacks regarding that incident.  "Wee" is me at 5. Perpetually stuck. I  will often make reference to "them" "she" "her" or "we". Alters are fragments of self. It's all me in different periods in different forms that progressively grew in character. It's still all me. Confused?  Me too. 😨


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