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Wee loves the"faces" and the "bird". She sometimes understands that when she jumps time.
Carpet orange shag it's the 70s ( house we moved to from dad in summer 1975)
Safe house (the house I owned)
Carpet beige (mom and steps house 90s'-2015
Wood Floor (2015-present)
She thus must be time travelling right?!?
She has no siblings here in this time. She has few friends and none her age. She spends her time learning. I have been told that she is smarter than me. Ironic that we don't share thoughts. She figures she isn't allowed to take her newfound knowledge back in time because "it will spoil it for everyone if she tells how it turns out".
Wee knows the people from 1975. She knows if you went to Mrs. Magic's kindergarten. She knows some people from moments in the 70s.
The faces is Facebook. She knows your grown. She doesn't know why but she is Wee stuck in the now big body because God ran out of bodies.
Confused yet? Now you may understand why I have a hard time.  I don't understand. She is in there to help because of the bad. They, each alter ( 4 alters plus me = 5 Alive 😊) are protecting me. Sometimes from myself even. While they were forming it meant weird things were happening. I would pass out morning prayers or at mass right into high school. (Doctor theory is perhaps was feeling unworthy of God's love??? )
Then I  would not be able to  sleepover anywhere.
I would literally be fear infused to the point of vomiting.
I had would get a rash
I would have fits where I would rock or pull and scratch at myself squeals to 'get off'...unable to breathe with muscle spasms...look up disassociate seizure...mine now come with flashbacks.
Over time each protected had role. 
Maddy came after rape at 12 Rogan is the same age (older than me) with the same birthday of a lost person in my life. Thus,  internalized male.
When I melted down in 1989 Lily came. She is a stable 'lady'. Likes to organize and make a home. She loves the kitchen.

Back to Facebook and Twitter 'the bird'.
She likes to steal funnies. Maddy helps her and "covers her eyes when it isn't for little eyes".
She is pretty good not to post things...usually...these tweets were priceless. If you are a twitter fan. Find me there.. scroll back to when Russia invaded the  Ukraine.  She wrote @Putinenglish
@PresidentObama @pmharper about being scary etc....with her pic. All phonetic written. When the pope was asking the church to open and be accepting of divorced people etc....yep. I  almost died.

Telling my story is Outting Myself with a strange mental illness.  To sit down and talk and spend time you would understand so much more about how fascinating my body/mind works to look after me.

I hardly ate because my bum hurt. Chicken noodle soup you know the brand was what I would eat. I got caught throwing out my lunch in kindergarten. I  learned to get rid of it on the way in.


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